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Empowering Boomers: Embracing a New Chapter in Life

Most Boomers are currently between 60 and 80 years old. Whether we're celebrating our 60th birthday or nearing 78, it's a great time to reflect on our generation's legacy and feel proud of our accomplishments. Our lives have been touched by remarkable innovations, from iPhones to air fryers, shaping history like no other generation.

We, the Boomers, continue to redefine the demographic landscape, particularly in the Western world. Until 2019, we formed the largest age group in the United States and several European countries. Every day, 10,000 of us reach the milestone of turning 65. Record numbers of us are transitioning into retirement, embracing a new phase of life. However, alongside these positive trends, there are sobering statistics that deserve our attention.

According to the National Council on Aging, suicide rates among older adults in America are increasing at an alarming rate, with men aged 65 and over being the most affected. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism reports that 17% of individuals aged 60 and over struggle with alcohol and prescription drug abuse. Shockingly, the abuse of opioid painkillers has increased by 54% among people aged 55 and older, as stated by the National Institute of Health. Moreover, 65% of individuals aged 65 and older report engaging in high-risk drinking habits. Another troubling fact is the 107% rise in alcohol abuse disorder among those aged 65 and over.

These statistics indicate that many of us, a significant number, are facing challenges. We devoted our entire lives to building something, fueled by the promise that retirement would be our ultimate reward for the hard work and dedication to our families. However, upon reaching retirement, we often find ourselves unsure of what to expect. We may have vague visions of setting our own schedules, being our own bosses, and enjoying leisure activities like vacations, golfing, or simply relaxing by the beach. Yet, we are often unprepared for the sudden separation from our careers and the resulting loss of social connections. Many of us now confront feelings of isolation and loneliness, unsure of our identities without our work.

However, retirement can and should be the most fulfilling season of our lives. We possess the wisdom that comes from a lifetime of experience, and we are more aware of our skills and talents than ever before. We have time at our disposal. What we lack is a revised strategy that combines our strengths with this new phase. We need a new life strategy.

Our vision for the New Boomer Network is to create a community dedicated to helping one another develop vibrant and fulfilling life strategies in retirement. Moving into this phase of life is one of the most significant transitions we will face, without a set of instructions or formal training. But together, we can navigate this journey and find a new way. In the coming weeks, I will share articles in the New Boomer Network that aim to challenge your thinking and spark meaningful discussions. This network will be a platform for Boomers to connect, share their stories, and support one another. I firmly believe that we still have the power to make this world a better place. Our journey is far from over. Are you ready? We are Boomers!


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Jul 18, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Well thought out and well written, John. The depressing, but sobering statistics address the unease we feel in NOT having to get up and be somewhere everyday; of missing the camaraderie of hanging out with and socializing with work colleagues; of maybe feeling rudderless. I think there may also be a difference in WHERE we retire. If we stay where we have been our whole working lives, it may be easier to feel as if the world is passing you by, but if you're lucky enough to move somewhere new, I feel each day can be a new adventure of self-awareness and discovery....

Jul 27, 2023
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Great comments, Jenna. Thank you for your addition. You're right! When we leave our careers we can, without knowing it, leave our identities and, as you have pointed out, we leave our social connections too. So much of the emphasis on retirement planning is focused on the financial aspects and having enough resources to retire comfortably. Important stuff for sure. But there is little out there in the way of helping us to understand the huge emotional and spiritual side of retirement and in how to compensate for the sudden loss of purpose. Where we retire is a great point. Learning a new environment and its culture can help us re-establish our identities while also forming new connections. Thanks ag…

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